peepee » 18 Feb 2021, 3:49 pm » wrote: ↑
1.)...i [or you] will never 'educate anyone'... as i've told you before, in the end, we are all our own teachers...the best i/you can do is make others aware of something about which they were previously ignorant... it's up to the individual to truly 'educate' themselves...always...
2.) ...i appreciate that you are one of the few who registers some interest in 'the money'....can i see YOUR best writing/thoughts on the subject..
.more specifically how do YOU think money should created and issued and why?... can you just post a link to your favorite person on the subject of 'the money'... just once?...
...i am constantly $eeking and i use this place as a 'sounding board' tells me a lot when my only criticisms are stuff like, 'you are wasting your time, people are too stupid to understand'.... [btw, i know that people don't under$tand because they're being/have been 'manipulated'...right, sjc?..]
Did you ever learn that inanimate tomorrows aren't part of animated reproductive order of ancestries populating space so far with the kinetic numbers present?